Gen One Legacy

Family Wealth Planning: An Approach to Financial Peace

Peter Donisanu

Some say that the family that plays together stays together.

And the simple reason this saying holds true is because unstructured time well-spent together creates stronger social and emotional ties within the family unit.

You're literally bonding together.

Now, when it comes to talking about money, some families find the opposite to be true.

That's because discussions around money often repel members.

And so, the more you try to talk about money, especially how it's supposed to be used, 
the greater the tension that are likely to arise.

But here's the rub: most individuals know that achieving life and financial goals often requires planning for the future.

This work involves starting with the end in mind, identifying the resources you have today, and then creating a strategy for bridging the gap between where you're at today, and where you want to be in the future.

It's simple, right?

Well, sure, this approach to planning is simple, but it's not easy.

This is especially true when you're trying to get your family’s spending and savings habits on the same page.

That's because it's one thing to plan for a singular vision for your life or your life with 
your partner. And it's another to agree on a plan that your kids or other family members can buy into.

So then, what can you do to create a financial framework for your wealth that involves your family and helps you achieve your broader legacy goals while improving your family’s togetherness?

Well, you can start by creating a unified family wealth strategy.

This approach involves creating a shared family vision for your wealth, identifying easy-to-achieve goals that your family can rally around, and developing principles to foster effective communication to ensure everyone's voice is heard.

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